Friday, June 1, 2012

Make Millions with Foreclosures and Short Sales; Secrets on How to ...

THE BEST-KEPT SECRET IN THE FORECLOSURE INDUSTRY IS NOW AVAILABLE IN THIS BOOK! Few people would have anticipated that the Subprime crisis would have shaken the U.S. economy so strongly. This crisis has led to numerous banks closing and close to one million people loosing their homes to foreclosure. The question is what can you do as an individual investor to make money in these hard times? Foreclosure investors are gobbling up properties at incredible discounts all across the nation. Many banks are practically giving away their foreclosed properties in order to stabilize their portfolios. Why shouldn t you take advantage of these great financial opportunities? This book is a step-by-step manual that teaches you how to profit from this current downturn in the real estate market. You begin by learning how to build a solid business model by putting together the right team. You will learn how to locate, negotiate with the owners and the banks and profit before these properties ever reach public auctions. Savvy real estate experts believe that the majority of the best deals are obtained at the preforeclosure stage. The key point that differentiates this book from other foreclosure investment guides is a strong focus on how to perform profitable short sales. A Short Sale is a sale of a property in which the proceeds fall short of what the owner still owes on the mortgage.
Customer Review: Definitely a MUST READ!
Definitely no other book in preforeclosure stage teaches you as many practical things as this book, especially the chapter on how to influence the Broker Price Opinion or Appraisal that the bank sends out to determine the final price the bank will give you. Make Millions with Foreclosures really taught me how to make it big at the time of closing.
I enjoyed the style of writing and had a great time reading it!!!
Customer Review: Only real estate investing book up to date for what is happening now
What I found very interesting about this book is that it is up to date as to what the lender requirements are for short sales. It explains what to do step by step to be able to have a positive outcome with the financial institutions.

The worksheets and all the tips throughout the book are very well thought out and explained.

This book shows investors how to take advantage of one of the most profitable investment opportunities out there. It seems like many people have decided to not pay attention to short sales because they think it could be to much work but this book illustrates in a very precise way exactly how to make money with a very small ammount of effort and no headaches. Read More

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